Cashiers in retail are responsible for processing payment transactions at the checkout. They usually work with modern checkout systems and record customers’ purchases electronically using a product scanner. In some supermarkets, they also weigh vegetables and fruit at the checkout. When paying for goods, cashiers check the authenticity of the banknotes and make sure they give the right change. They often also process payments without cash. When there are no customers at the checkout, they support their colleagues in the warehouse and in goods receiving and, for example, restock shelves. They also process complaints and exchange goods. If necessary, they also help customers pack the goods they have purchased. At the end of their working day, they prepare the accounts, if necessary, by offsetting the cash on hand against the receipts.

In German, Cashier is called…
Kassierer | Verkäufer
Why should You apply as a Cashier?
The job of cashier is usually the first step in a commercial career. If you show that you are reliable here, you will most likely be offered an apprenticeship as a sales assistant or even as a retail sales person. Employee discounts are common. It is possible to start with intermediate language skills. In addition, your ability to concentrate and your handling of software will be trained.
Many job ads mention the following advantages and benefits:
- permanent employment contract
- Vacation and Christmas bonus
- 30 days of vacation
- regularly scheduled working hours with a time account
- Flexible planning of working hours
- further training and education
- pension plan
- job bike
Hourly wages are frequently announced as 13 to 15€
Next career steps are an apprenticeship as Sales assitant (Verkäufer) or retail salesperson (Einzelhandelskaufmann).

Basic Requirements for Cashiers…
German Minimum B1 | Concentration | Smile
What it needs to succeed as a Cashier
This Job requires You to
- being pleasant with others on the job and displaying a good-natured, cooperative attitude
- being reliable, responsible, and dependable, and fulfilling obligations
- being honest and ethical
- maintaining composure, keeping emotions in check, controlling anger, and avoiding aggressive behavior, even in very difficult situations
- accepting criticism and dealing calmly and effectively with high-stress situations
- being careful about detail and thorough in completing work tasks
- being sensitive to others’ needs and feelings and being understanding and helpful on the job
- preferring to work with others rather than alone, and being personally connected with others on the job.
What to Do in detail
- Process sales or other transactions
- Answer customer questions about goods or services
- Explain technical product or service information to customers
- Calculate costs of goods or services
- Maintain records of sales or other business transactions
- Issue money, credit, or vouchers
- Provide customers with general information or assistance
- Monitor sales activities
- Greet customers, patrons, or visitors